Thursday, July 31, 2008


[ Download ]

The Torpark browser is a modified version of Firefox that can run off of a USB drive and uses anonymous proxies and encryption to mask user behaviour. The browser has been developed by Hacktivisimo, a group of hackers, human rights workers, lawyers and artists.

The browser uses the Tor network of routers setup by the Electronic Frontier Foundation to anonymize web traffic.All you need to do is copy the files to your USB thumb drive. The browser will encrypt traffic between the computer and the Tor router network, this makes it difficult to spy on traffic and pinpoint who is doing what in terms of browsing behaviour.

The Tor netwok also regularly changes the users IP address which makes it even more difficult to track browsing sessions.On one hand this tool is a wonder for online security, however it has a darkside. One feature of the Torpark browser is that it can run directly off of a USB flash drive. This could cause headaches for some IT administrators who may be restricting employee’s browsing behaviour for intellection property issues , or acceptable use policies. Since the browser does not need to be installed on the system and can simply be run from a USB flash drive, it opens the door for a long list of potential endpoint security threats.

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