Monday, August 11, 2008

coconutWiFi updates to 2.0

There are all kinds of ways to keep an eye on the Wifi going on around you (not least of which is the iPhone itself). Personally, I like the MacWireless Airport Radar widget-- it's simple, out of the way (sitting on the Dashboard), and fast enough to give me an at-a-glance look at what's available where I am. But Santiago dropped us a line (thanks!) that coconutWiFi has updated to 2.0, and I have to admit, it looks nice enough to at least tempt me to switch.

Version 2.0 features a "completely rewritten core," the display of the BSSID and the channel number in the window, and AirPort power control right there in the window. Unfortunately (and this seems like a dealbreaker for some reason, even though the Radar widget doesn't do it), you can't connect to a network by clicking on it, but apparently a fix is coming soon. The other drawback would be that I'm not sure I want a visual of networks updating constantly on my menu, as a good 80% of the time, I'm at home and know exactly what network I'm on. But if you've been looking for a good way to do this, coconutWiFi might be it.

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