Monday, August 11, 2008

Mac based utility catches iPhone files

To make my life easier, I decided to stop focusing on phone-to-phone file transfer and write a utility for the Mac to catch those files I've been tossing into the ether. File Catcher is the result. This Universal Binary application sits on your desktop and automatically downloads files to the desktop.

To make this happen, I've been working hard on putting together a new protocol that defines the name of the file being sent and other useful information. I've written and uploaded entirely new versions of my catch and throw utilities and SendFile application to conform to this new protocol.

My favorite little utility though is a new one tonight, called snapngo. Just run it at the command line and give it one argument, a name. e.g. snapngo mypic. The application takes a screen snapshot and shares it using the name you specified. If you're running File Catcher on your Mac, the file mypic.png automatically appears on your Desktop.

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